Sign Up For My Free Poultry Newsletter!Practical and Funny!My name is Robert Plamondon, and I keep a flock of 600 free-range hens and my wife raises over 1,000 pastured broilers and turkeys per year on our 37-acre farm in Blodgett, Oregon. We do this the old-fashioned way, with portable houses on grass pasture. I learned old-fashioned poultry farming by reading all the old-time poultry books and farm magazines I could get my hands on, giving the ideas a modern twist, and putting them into practice. Grandpa's generation knew a lot about small farms, and a lot of these ideas have been lost.
So sign up for my free newsletter, which contains tons of stuff like this. Every issue contains news from the farm, helpful hints, and other useful information. The first issue of every month contains a to-do list of poultry tasks for the coming month. I include a lot of techniques from farm magazines and poultry books from 1900-1960, when the accumulated wisdom of millions of small farmers regularly made its way into print. I keep the newsletters short, useful, and funny. Check out the newsletters in the archive to see what I mean, and sign up for the newsletter below. It's free, so share with your friends!
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